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Bay Business Group LLC
Bay Business Group LLC logo

Bay Business Group LLC

Bay Business Group, LLC is led by David Bradsher, CPA.After 20 years in the CPA field, 11 with accounting giant Deloitte & Touche, David recognized the great need of small-, medium-sized and emerging businesses for specialized accounting services that would empower them to focus on the core of their business instead of spending valuable time on complex financial issues.David’s vision, which grew into Bay Business Group, was (and still is) to provide these businesses with a service model typically available only to the largest companies.Today, BBG is much more than a bookkeeping service. David and his team use a consultative approach that also includes guidance on business planning, tax planning, business strategy, forecasting and budgeting.EXPERTS at outsourced bookkeeping and accounting.David Bradsher, CPAPresidentDavid Bradsher, CPA is the President of BBG.David is a seasoned professional with over 30 years’ experience serving clients large and small. David started his CPA career assisting small- and medium-sized businesses. He developed a deep understanding of the issues facing organizations and utilized these insights to provide practical and effective internal accounting and tax-reporting solutions.Later, as an associate in the National Tax and Management Consulting practice at Deloitte & Touche, one of the Big Four public accounting firms, he developed a broad-based understanding of tax and accounting information systems.As a Senior Manager, for Deloitte & Touche Management Solutions, he led teams focused on assisting small and emerging businesses achieve their visions for growth, profitability and stability.Today, David serves clients that require and recognize the benefits of close attention from an experienced professional. Many of these clients may have utilized the services of an Accountant or Consultant in the past but now want something different, something more — a trusted business advisor.David and his associates provide this level of service and focus on the needs of small, medium-sized and emerging businesses.
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