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TechAccountingPro, LLC
TechAccountingPro, established in 2022 and based in Kentucky, has established itself as an expert in cryptocurrency accounting under US GAAP. They specialize in crypto accounting advisory for web3 native businesses and CPA firms with crypto accounting practices, audit readiness, internal processes, and controls. TechAccountingPro provides financial reporting, audit readiness, and accounting advisory services. The company is an established expert in accounting for cryptocurrency, revenue recognition, leases, stock-based compensation, and other complex topics of US GAAP. TechAccountingPro provides comprehensive accounting services for a range of clients, including small businesses, startups, large corporations, and CPA firms. We work with US-based businesses with domestic and international operations across 100 countries.TechAccountingPro provides services in the following areas:Web3 Accounting Practice:Token Generation Event (TGE) and Initial Coin Offering (ICO)InvestmentsSAFT and Token WarrantsDAO GrantsMarket MakersCrypto BorrowingsStaking and Crypto Mining RewardsLiquidity Pool accountingCrypto sub-ledger implementation & maintenanceGeneral Technical Accounting Advisory:Accounting Policies and SOPsTechnical Accounting MemorandumsRevenue RecognitionLeasesStock CompensationMergers & acquisitionsDebt Origination & ModificationCPA Firms Advisory:Internal quality review for CPA firmsAuditing methodology advisoryDesign and preparation of accounting educational materialsAdditionally, we provide Auditing Services to private enterprises doing business as Andrei Belonogov, CPA, Solo Practitioner.