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Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual

Read more about Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual here.

Comprehensive guide to creating an accounting policies and procedures manual, with example

Accounting manuals serve as the foundation of a company's financial structure, encompassing detailed instructions for accounting policies and procedures. Whether you are a finance professional, a small business owner, or an accounting student, understanding and correctly documenting an accounting manual is crucial for airtight financial management and compliance. This manual will guide you through the process and share an accountant-approved example you can learn from.

Understanding accounting policies

Before you pen a single page, it's vital to grasp the essence of accounting policies. These are the principles, rules, and procedures a company uses to prepare and maintain financial records. They dictate the measurement rules for financial metrics, recognize the need for consistency, and ensure compliance with standard accounting practices. Here’s how to anchor your understanding of this foundational segment.

Significance of accounting policies

Accounting policies aren't just guidelines; they're the DNA of financial reporting in an organization. They:

  • Ensure credibility and trustworthiness of financial statements.
  • Standardize financials for comparability across periods and organizations.
  • Shield against unscrupulous practices through rigor and transparency.

What are the standard accounting policies?

Adherence to fundamental accounting policies is critical for ensuring consistency, reliability, and comparability of financial statements. Among the standard key accounting policies, the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are predominant frameworks that govern how financial transactions should be recorded and reported. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provides further specific guidelines under GAAP, which include principles such as the revenue recognition policy, the matching principle, and the cost principle. These policies ensure that revenue is recognized when earned, expenses are matched to the associated revenues, and assets are recorded based on original cost. Essential for shareholders, financial analysts, and investors, these policies facilitate the accurate assessment of a company's financial health and support sound investment decision-making.

What are the 5 basic accounting principles?

The foundation of robust financial reporting stems from the adherence to five basic accounting principles, namely the:

  • Revenue recognition principle
  • Expense recognition principle
  • Matching principle
  • Cost principle
  • Objectivity principle

These principles are instrumental in ensuring the accuracy and consistency of financial statements. The Revenue Recognition Principle dictates that revenue should be recognized and recorded when it is earned, irrespective of when the cash is received, safeguarding the integrity of the income statement. Similarly, the Expense Recognition Principle underscores the recording of expenses when they are incurred rather than when they are paid, maintaining the preciseness of financial outcomes. The Matching Principle further refines this precision by ensuring that expenses are matched to revenues in the fiscal period in which they both occur, providing a clear view of profitability. Additionally, the Cost Principle prescribes that assets and services should be recorded at their original cost, offering clarity and stability in financial analysis. Lastly, the Objectivity Principle mandates that financial statement information be supported by independent and unbiased evidence, fostering trust and transparency among stakeholders throughout the financial ecosystem. It is this rigid application of these principles that instills confidence in shareholders, financial analysts, and investors, as they dissect and interpret the financial health and performance of businesses.

5 key components to consider

When formulating accounting policies, certain components must take center stage:

  • Statement of principles: Enunciate the underlying principles guiding the accounting policies.
  • Scope and objectives: Define the boundaries and objectives of the policy.
  • Authority and responsibility: Enumerate who is accountable for adhering to the policy.
  • Approval process: Document the steps needed for policy amendments and new policy creation.
  • Disclosure requirements: Stipulate how and when policies must be shared in financial statements.

All of these must be knitted together seamlessly for the manual to offer solid and unambiguous guidance.

Writing the accounting manual

With a foundation in place, it's time to erect the structure of your accounting manual. This section elaborates not just on the 'what' of accounting policies but the 'how' of articulating these policies to form a comprehensive manual.

Structure and formatting guidelines

An accounting manual is only as good as its ease of use, which depends on its structure and formatting.

  • Begin with a clear and distinct table of contents.
  • Use clear, simple language. Avoid jargon or define it in a glossary if necessary.
  • Organize policies categorically, aligning with how functions are divided in your organization.
  • Review and revise. Your manual should be a living document, amended as policies evolve.

Detailed procedures for documenting policies

Detailing policies is more than just jotting down rules; you are building a framework for financial operations. Ensure that:

  • Policies are comprehensive to allow a complete understanding of the procedure.
  • Workflows and checkpoints are defined to show the path a transaction takes and where controls are placed.
  • Record-keeping requirements are clear to meet auditing standards and evidence principles.

Transparency is paramount; leave no room for misinterpretation.

Tailoring to audience needs

Each audience will approach the accounting manual with a different set of needs and expectations. Addressing these needs is a strategic part of not just writing the manual, but of its effective implementation.

Customizing for accounting students

For budding accountants, use practical examples to illustrate the application of policies in real-world scenarios.

  • Hands-on exercises: Include exercises where students can apply and document policies for fictional financial cases.
  • Educational tones: Instructive rather than regulatory, to encourage learning and application.

Simplifying for small business owners

Small business owners unfamiliar with accounting jargon need a manual that speaks their language.

  • Visual aids: Incorporate flowcharts and graphs to simplify complex procedures.
  • Case studies: Highlight common small business financial scenarios for easier application.

Meeting the requirements of finance managers

Finance managers will benefit from detailed, specific instructions.

  • In-depth analyses: Go deeper into the rationale of decisions to give managers a fuller picture.
  • Legal language: Ensure the manual includes precise legal language for complete understanding and compliance.

Incorporating best practices

No guide to creating an accounting manual is complete without a section on best practices. Here, we dig into what works, and how to ensure your manual remains a vital tool over time.

Examples of effective accounting manuals

Look for models of simplicity, clarity, and completeness. Why reinvent the wheel when a powerful example can guide your structure?

  • Big four recommendations: Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC offer public examples of comprehensive accounting manuals.
  • Templates from industries: Seek templates from industries closely aligned with your business, noting necessary customization for variations in practices.

3 tips for maintaining and updating the manual

An accounting manual is dynamic. It must evolve with regulations, advancements in accounting practices, and, most significantly, the changing landscape of your business.

  • Regular reviews: Schedule regular reviews, at least annually, to update policies and procedures.
  • Change management: Implement robust change management processes to ensure updates are handled effectively and efficiently.
  • Version control: Maintain a clear version control system, tracking the evolution of the manual over time.

Keeping it current is just as crucial as creating it.


An accounting policies and procedures manual isn't just a passive document for perusal; it's an active tool that shapes financial reality. From the first jotting down of principles to crafting detailed procedures and tailoring it for different needs, the manual is a reflection of the commitment to financial excellence and transparency. By paying diligent attention to the process, you're not just creating a manual; you're crafting a legacy of diligent financial stewardship. Remember, with detailed policies come transparent operations, and with transparent operations, trust. Trust the process, for the numbers never lie.

Simplify financial reporting and streamline expense management with Ramp 

Ramp is a leading-class software that makes financial reporting headaches a thing of the past. Our platform brings automation into the equation, keeping real-time records of all financial aspects of your business.

With real-time financial data automation, you’ll have the data at your fingertips when it’s time to check your company’s financial health. Aside from general financial reporting, including the reports mentioned above, Ramp gives you instant access to these:

  • Expense reports: Automated expense reports track each penny your company spends on a granular level and make it easy to find and fix inefficiencies.
  • Ecommerce reporting: Dive into dedicated eCommerce reports to track and optimize the performance of your online efforts.
  • Variance reports: Variance reports give you more control by showing how much project income and expenses typically deviate from expectations in your business.

Reach out to us to learn what Ramp can do to help you meet your financial reporting goals.

Table of contents
The information provided in this article does not constitute legal or financial advice and is for general informational purposes only. Please check with an attorney or financial advisor to obtain advice with respect to the content of this article.

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