Pro Medical Billing Solutions
With Healthcare providers facing several challenges in reimbursement, Denials, and Aging accounts receivables, Pro Medical Billing Solutions uses the most effective ways to offer assistance through proper CoSourcing. Our pro-active team of professionals have over 15 yrs. of experience and diverse backgrounds in reimbursement and Denial management. We demonstrate back-office operations prowess that has helped serve 100+ customers in over 12 countries. Our customized Revenue Cycle Management Solutions are focused on the core of effective Denial Management. We did not invent Co-Sourcing; we are perfecting the process. Pro-MBS has the most cost efficient and driven personnel to assist our clients in the following Solutions: Revenue Cycle Management Verification of Eligibility & Benefits Medical Coding Medical Billing Payment Posting Accounts Receivables Management Backlog Claims Clean-Up Credentialing Analysis Reports Fee Schedule Research Healthcare Information Technology Development We have your Solutions! Let's Co-Source!
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