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Punch Financial (Outsourced CFO & Accounting Services)
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Punch Financial (Outsourced CFO & Accounting Services)

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About Punch Financial (Outsourced CFO & Accounting Services)

Every tech startup is unique, and so are your bookkeeping needs. Punch Financial has proven experience helping startups scale up safely at a commitment they can afford.

In the competitive technology industry marketplace, any tech startup that wants to make an impact has to be able to showcase the viability of its MVP, acquire financing, and rapidly scale up its profitability. The part-time team of bookkeeping, bookkeeping, and a CFO consultant provided by Punch Financial more than pays for itself in this regard.

We work with dozens of young tech startups like yours, and all clients gain the expertise of a full-stack financial team at a monthly fee that is a fraction of the cost of an in-house team. Our team will set you on the path to true profitability by managing your payroll, sales tax, and bookkeeping, applying for subsidies and grants, claiming relevant tax credits, and, most importantly, helping examine your go–to–market strategy's financial health.

We do more than just the day-to-day bookkeeping and bookkeeping services that allow you to focus on running your business. You benefit from our existing tech stack, and we’ll modernize your bookkeeping systems, provide rolling strategic forecasts, and develop a real-time financial reporting dashboard to help your business grow and thrive in an already crowded marketplace.

Punch Financial is a full-service bookkeeping and CFO services firm that specializes in bookkeeping, finance, and CFO services for tech startups and high-growth companies.


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